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The magnetic space groups derived from the Fedorov space group: R-3 (#)

Listed with respect to the BNS setting:

#148.17 R3 [OG: R3 #148.1.1247] Type I (Fedorov)
#148.18 R31' [OG: R31' #148.2.1248] Type II (grey group)
#148.19 R3' [OG: R3' #148.3.1249] Type III (translationgleiche)
#148.20 RI3 [OG: RR3 #148.4.1250] Type IV (klassengleiche)

Listed with respect to the OG setting:

#148.1.1247 R3 [BNS: R3 #148.17] Type I (Fedorov)
#148.2.1248 R31' [BNS: R31' #148.18] Type II (grey group)
#148.3.1249 R3' [BNS: R3' #148.19] Type III (translationgleiche)
#148.4.1250 RR3 [BNS: RI3 #148.20] Type IV (klassengleiche)

Bilbao Crystallographic Server
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